Atmospheric and Earth System Research with HALO

(High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft)

Overview of completed and planned HALO missions

Current information about ongoing and planned HALO missions can be found at

Schedule of HALO missions for the time period 2024 - 2028

HALO missions for the time period 2016 - 2022

In the following approved HALO-SPP 1294 missions a large number of universities and institutions are involved. The aim of the missions is to reduce uncertainties in the understanding of crucial atmospheric and Earth system processes.


NARVAL 2.0 (B):

August 2016, Mission completed

PIs: B. Stevens, MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg    

F. Ament, Universität Hamburg, Meteorological Institute   


September - October 2016, Mission completed

PIs: A. Schäfler, DLR, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Oberpfaffenhofen

xx, LMU München, Meteorological Institute Munich


EMeRGe-EU  (C, D):

July 2017, Mission completed

PI: J. P. Burrows, Universität Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)

WISE  (B, C):

September - October 2017, Mission completed

PIs: M. Riese, Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZ Jülich)

P. Hoor, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)


Dezember 2017, Mission cancelled

PI: M. Scheinert, Technische Universität Dresden


EMeRGe-Asia   (C, D):

March - April 2018, Mission completed

PI: J. P. Burrows, Universität Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)

CoMet  (D):

May - June 2018, Mission completed

PIs: A. Fix, DLR, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Oberpfaffenhofen

G. Ehret, DLR, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Oberpfaffenhofen

For detailed information click on the HALO Calender (DLR).