Atmospheric and Earth System Research with HALO

(High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft)

Publications, Data sets, and Theses

The latest list of publications, theses, and data sets of the HALO DFG SPP 1294 as download:

Please inform Anja Schwarz about new publications, data sets, and theses achieved within the HALO SPP 1294 and indicate the funding by the DFG

"This research was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Priority Program SPP 1294 under project number 316646266 and #."

Instead of # please enter your own HALO SPP project number that can be found out via GEPRIS.

HALO mission costs are funded within the SPP 1294 via the central coordination project (project number 316646266).

HALO SPP 1294 Web of Science profile

Scientific journal-publications per year between 2008 and 2024 achieved within the HALO SPP 1294:

Link to data sets related to the HALO SPP 1294

Theses per year between 2008 and 2024 finished within the HALO SPP 1294:

DFG has developed the following guidelines to ensure good research practice. They represent the consensus of the DFG's member organizations on the fundamental principles and standards of good research practice and are supported by these organizations.
The Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice can be found here.